Love Poetry:- Tareef | A Poetic Story | SOETRY | By Rohit Singh ft. Vaishnavi Gupta | OutLast.

2020-02-24 1

A short of an incident which we try to bent into the poem and create a very new content story+poetry=soetry. this happens with everyone sometimes or many in life, so, try to relate, feel it, live it, it gives shivering to your soul when you lost in it. and yeah! it's just a beginning many more exciting fun loving soetries are on the way. I hope you all like the current video.
spread love and keep watching and support OutLast.
| original content |
~written and played by | Rohit Singh
~featuring in video | Vaishnavi Gupta with Rohit Singh
~background music | Bass Inspector [pankaj]
~special thanks to | Arpit Gupta and Divyansh Sharma
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